Taiwanese Agent

ABL are pleased to announce that Windirs Technology Co. Ltd have been appointed as Sales and repairs agent for Taiwan.
TEL +886-3-3525806
MOB +886-920587487
For all other territories please contact ABL directly.
ABL are pleased to announce that Windirs Technology Co. Ltd have been appointed as Sales and repairs agent for Taiwan.
TEL +886-3-3525806
MOB +886-920587487
For all other territories please contact ABL directly.
ABL is proud to announce that Windirs Technology. Co. Ltd. is authorised as our Service & Repair Centre in Taiwan. For any enquiries in this region, Windirs may be contacted directly at:
Windirs Technology Co., Ltd.
6F., No.66-10, Sec. 2, Nankan Rd.,
Luchu Dist.,
Taoyuan City 33855.
Taiwan, R.O.C.
TEL: +886 (0) 3-3525806
FAX: +886 (0) 3-3227099
E-mail sales@windirs.com.tw
Website: www.en.windirs.com.tw
For all other territories please contact ABL directly.
ABL is proud to announce that Sambo Corporation is our agent for our range of Micro-machining, Dicing and High-precision products in Korea. For any enquiries in this region, Sambo may be contacted directly at:
SAMBO Corporation
A-704 (SK Twintech Tower),
119 Gasandigital 1-ro,
Geumcheon-gu, Seoul,
153-773, Korea
TEL: +82 2 863 2313
FAX: +82 2 863 2317
E-mail sambo@sambokorea.com
Website: www.sambocorporation.com
For all other territories please contact ABL directly.
ABL is proud to announce that Fukuda Corporation is our exclusive agent for our range of drilling and routing (PCB), micro-machining, and ultra precision products in Japan. For any enquiries in this region, Fukuda may be contacted directly at:
Fukuda Corporation
11-2, Akashicho,
Chuo-ku, Tokyo, 104-0044 Japan
TEL: +81 3 55656820
FAX: +81 3 55656819
E-mail intl-sales@fukudaco.co.jp
Website: www.fukudaco.co.jp
For all other territories please contact ABL directly.
For any enquiries Airy Technology Co., Ltd. may be contacted directly at;
Airy Technology Co., Ltd.
Fujiaguoji 611,
Jinma Road No. 120,
Kaifaqu, Dalian, 116000 China
TEL: 0411 87189285
FAX: 0411 87189293
E-mail info@airytech.com
Website: www.airytech.com
ABL is proud to announce that Zhenlong Electric Ltd will be representing our range of PCB drilling products in China and Taiwan. For any enquiries in these territories Zhenlong may be contacted directly at:
Zhenlong Electric Limited
TEL +852-24036595
FAX +852-82008130
E-mail info@zhenlongelectric.com
For all other territories please contact ABL directly.
ABL is proud to announce that Zhenlong Electric Ltd will be representing our range of PCB drilling products in China and Taiwan. For any enquiries in these territories Zhenlong may be contacted directly at:
Zhenlong Electric Limited
TEL +852-24036595
FAX +852-82008130
E-mail info@zhenlongelectric.com
For all other territories please contact ABL directly.